Video Trainings

On this page you can see a selection of our training videos. You might use the skip buttons to switch from one to the other. All can be found on our YouTube Channel in a more detailed overview. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to ensure you are not missing any of the videos.

Introduction to the #SocialProcurement Concept

Compact on-demand webinar to understand what #SocialProcurement is and how it can help you achieve your targets as a procurement professional.

Fancy a live webinar? Register on our events page.

Short Tutorials

A number of short tutorials with tips and tricks on how to use LinkedIn for #SocialProcurement but also for other daily tasks when using LinkedIn. Use the skip-buttons in the lower left of the video to jump to further tutorials.

For the whole list of tutorials subscribe to our YouTube Channel and set the bell to be informed every time we post a new video.

#SocialProcurement Live

#SocialProcurement Live is an interview format where we ask innovative Procurement Staff, Salespeople, or other important market influencers about their opinion on #SocialProcurement. Here you can see the recordings of the sessions.

For all recordings please visit our YouTube Channel and set the bell to be informed every time we run a new live session.